Showing posts with label Vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegetables. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Chinese Cabbage with Pork and Rice

Hey everybody!

I just wanted to quickly share a yummy recipe with you before I'm going out tonight. The amount I used was enough for two smaller servings or one reeeeeally big serving. As I'm not talented with cooking the exact right amount food for any number of servings, you might need to judge yourselves how much you need ;) 

First, pick some Chinese cabbage leaves and wash them. I used around a third of the cabbage which probably was a bit too much for one serving...

Of course, you'll need some rice. And some meat. I used pork (approx. 80 gr), but you can also go for chicken or turkey.

Cut the cabbage leaves into strips. You can cut multiple leaves at once as it's faster and it doesn't need to be done very neatly.

Then fry the pork strips and add the Chinese cabbage strips when the pork is golden. Don't worry, that pile will shrink as it cooks. If the Chinese cabbage gets burnt, add a little bit of water.

You can add any spices you want, I like to add a little bit of salt, pepper and soy sauce. You can add or leave out anything you want. 

Et voilà! Enjoy that delicious and healthy meal :) 
(Note: I didn't pile that entire cabbage onto the rice bed for aesthetic reasons ;))

Monday, May 19, 2014

Fast & (actually not) Healthy

It's been a long time since I've cooked something and I thought, I'd make something healthy. However, when I walked down the fridges in the supermarket, I really wanted fries. So I combined both and made something half healthy and half fast (and unhealthy). The more healthy part is a vegetable-sausage-gratin and the unhealthy part - well - fries! ;)

Es ist schon länger her, seit ich das letzte Mal richtig gekocht habe und da dachte ich mir, dass ich mir was Gesundes mache. Jedoch bin ich im Supermarkt an den Tiefkühltruhen vorbeigekommen und bekam sooo Lust auf Pommes. Also hab ich beides kombiniert und halb gesund halb schnell (und ungesund) gemacht. Der gesündere Teil ist ein Gemüse-Würstchen-Gratin und der ungesunde Teil - naja - Pommes! ;)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fast flashback!

Sorry, that we've not been posting anything for a long time again. This semester is just crazily busy, somehow  we didn't have enough free time. Now it's about 9am and I'm gonna do this fast, since college is calling. We took a bunch of photos of our food, so I'm going to show you all that as a flashback.

Sorry, dass wir in letzter Zeit schon wieder nichts gepostet haben. Dieses Semester ist einfach so unglaublich anstrengend irgendwie und wir haben kaum Freizeit. Es ist gerade um die 9 Uhr morgens und ich muss mich beeilen, in einer knappen Stunde beginnt die Vorlesung. Wir haben ein paar Fotos von unserem Essen gemacht, die ich euch nun in Form eines Rückblicks zeigen werde.

Smoked pork chop with dumplings // Kasseler mit Knödel 
We had this idea, when I said that I finally wanted to cook the dumplings I bought earlier. So we got some smoked pork chop and added a pork sauce. It was really yummy!

Wir hatten diese Idee, als ich gesagt habe, dass ich endlich mal die Knödel kochen wollte, die ich zuvor mal gekauft habe. Also haben wir ein paar Kasseler dazu geholt und haben eine Bratensoße dazu gekocht. Es war absolut lecker!

Strawberry milk shakes // Erdbeermilchshakes
 The past weeks were really summery and hot, so it was really refreshing and cooling to make some milkshakes and smoothies with fresh fruit. This picture shows one of them, a strawberry milk shake!

Diese letzten Wochen waren sommerlich und warm, da war es sehr erfrischend und kühlend, Milchshakes und Smoothies mit frischem Obst zu machen. Das Foto zeigt einen davon, nämlich einen Erdbeermilchshake!

Vegan Spaghetti Carbonara  // Vegane Spaghetti Carbonara
 I (Shengjia) had the vegan Spaghetti Carbonara while Demian ate French fries with Cordon Bleu. I just wanted to eat a little bit healthier and in all those recipes, those "Spaghetti" looked so yummy. In the end, I didn't even eat all that because it was quite disgusting. I'll never ever cook that again.

Ich (Shengjia) habe die veganen Spgahetti Carbonara gekocht, während Demian Pommes mit Cordon Bleu hatte. Eigentlich wollte ich mich einfach ein bisschen gesünder ernähren und diese "Spaghetti" sahen in all den Rezepten immer so toll und lecker aus. Aber letztendlich habe ich nicht mal alles gegessen, weil es eher widerlich war. Also werde ich es nie wieder kochen.

Vegetables, potatoes and cutlet // Gemüse, Kartoffeln und Schnitzel

Vegetables, potatoes, vegetarian cutlet and tofu stripes // Gemüse, Kartoffeln, vegetarische Bratlinge und To-Fu-Streifen
 Last but not least we had this yummy meal some days ago. It started, when I wanted to try these vegetarian cutlets. They were really yummy, but Demian still wanted real pork.

Zuletzt hatten wir ein paar Tagen dieses leckere Essen gekocht. Es hat damit angefangen, dass ich diese vegetarischen Bratlinge ausprobieren wollte. Diese waren auch total lecker, aber Demian wollte trotzdem echtes Fleisch.